Comments on: 如何将锡膏印刷于电路板(solder paste printing)与影响锡膏印刷品质的因素 - 188金宝搏手机官网,188金宝搏苹果下载,188金宝搏苹果手机下载 // 188金宝搏苹果下载 在【188金宝搏苹果手机下载 】打滚多年,分享 SMT、焊锡、188betapp下载 、产品组装与设计、瓦楞包装、不良分析…等经验。请注意文章内容不见得都正确,服用前请三思。188金宝搏苹果下载 也不是专家,无法即时帮你解决工程问题... (对于未授权私自转载者,本人保留法律追诉权)。 Thu, 12 Aug 2021 05:17:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: yoshiya otofuji // Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:19:53 +0000 // Thak you so much!!!

By: 188金宝搏苹果下载 // Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:07:41 +0000 // In reply to yoshiya otofuji.

No. There is no specification for the thickness of solder paste printing. You shall check by yourself to see the printing result is good or not. Basically you can measure the mean value and standard deviation to see it meet your requirement or not.You shall know the how much volume of solder paste will make good or poor solder. As recommendation that you shall choice the critical component to check the solder paste printing result.

By: yoshiya otofuji // Fri, 29 Jan 2021 10:49:47 +0000 // Dear Sir, thank you for your answer. I think I did not explain better. Let´s try again.
I have 1 stencil with 4mils thickness and I´d like do test if it is good or not regarding solder paste transfer so, I must print 1 PCB and measure the solder paste height and volume. Special related with height, for example:
4 mils stencil must measure 3,5 mils to 4,5 mils . I just to know the spec (minimum and maximum variation)
